Commit 455732f3 by Jorem Magcawas

Merge branch 'feature-WG-161' into 'development-encoding'

Merge Latest to Development Encoding See merge request !41
parents 858fab48 ec4bd8b1
......@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
// schema with 5 fields and all possible collections
//const SCHEMA_FILE = "./src/sample_schema/5_field_schema.json"
var SCHEMA_FILE = "./src/sample_schema/HR Speed Test schema.json"
var SCHEMA_FILE = "./src/sample_schema/Speed Test Application Form schema.json"
// const SCHEMA_FILE = "./src/sample_schema/Sample_Schema.json"
......@@ -549,7 +549,7 @@ const deconstruct = (section, div, classAttribute) => {
case 'date':
case 'datepicker':
input = inputDate(key, validation)
input = noValidation()
"fieldLabel": "Date",
"aka": "field2",
"fieldLength": 20,
"collection": "alphanumeric",
"invalidchar": "`~!@#&$%^*_={}[]:;/\"|\\<>",
"mandatory": true
"Position Applied For":
"fieldLabel": "Pos Applied For",
"aka": "field3",
"fieldLength": 30,
"collection": "alphanumeric",
"invalidchar": "`~!@#&$%^*={}[]:;/\"|\\<>",
"mandatory": true
"fieldLabel": "Surname",
"aka": "field4",
"fieldLength": 50,
"collection": "alphanumeric",
"invalidchar": "`~!@#&$%^*={}[]:;/\"|\\<>",
"mandatory": true
"First Name":
"fieldLabel": "First Name",
"aka": "field5",
"fieldLength": 50,
"collection": "alphanumeric",
"invalidchar": "`~!@#&$%^*={}[]:;/\"|\\<>",
"mandatory": true
"Middle Name":
"fieldLabel": "Mid Name",
"aka": "field6",
"fieldLength": 50,
"collection": "alphanumeric",
"invalidchar": "`~!@#&$%^*={}[]:;/\"|\\<>",
"mandatory": true
"Mother's Maiden Name":
"fieldLabel": "Mother's Maiden Name",
"aka": "field7",
"fieldLength": 100,
"collection": "alphanumeric",
"invalidchar": "`~!@#&$%^*={}[]:;/\"|\\<>",
"mandatory": true
"fieldLabel": "Nickname",
"aka": "field8",
"fieldLength": 20,
"collection": "alphanumeric",
"invalidchar": "`~!@#&$%^*={}[]:;/\"|\\<>",
"mandatory": true
"Email Address":
"fieldLabel": "Email",
"aka": "field9",
"fieldLength": 50,
"collection": "alphanumeric",
"mandatory": true
"Mobile Number":
"fieldLabel": "Mobile No.",
"aka": "field10",
"fieldLength": 30,
"collection": "alphanumeric",
"invalidchar": "`~!@#&$%^*={}[]:;/\"|\\<>",
"mandatory": true
"Telephone Number":
"fieldLabel": "Tel. No.",
"aka": "field11",
"fieldLength": 20,
"collection": "alphanumeric",
"invalidchar": "`~!@#&$%^*={}[]:;/\"|\\<>",
"mandatory": false
"Present Address House No":
"fieldLabel": "Pres Add House No",
"aka": "field13",
"fieldLength": 20,
"collection": "alphanumeric",
"invalidchar": "`~!@&$%^*={}[]:;/\"|\\<>",
"mandatory": true
"Present Address Street":
"fieldLabel": "Pres Add Street",
"aka": "field14",
"fieldLength": 30,
"collection": "alphanumeric",
"mandatory": true
"Present Address Village/Subd":
"fieldLabel": "Pres Add Vill/Subd",
"aka": "field15",
"fieldLength": 50,
"collection": "alphanumeric",
"invalidchar": "`~!@&$%^*={}[]:;/\"|\\<>",
"mandatory": true
"Present Address Municipality/City/Province":
"fieldLabel": "Pres Add Mun/City/Prov",
"aka": "field16",
"fieldLength": 60,
"collection": "alphanumeric",
"invalidchar": "`~!@#&$%^*={}[]:;/\"|\\<>",
"mandatory": true
"Years of Stay":
"fieldLabel": "Yrs of Stay",
"aka": "field17",
"fieldLength": 3,
"collection": "numeric",
"mandatory": true
"Provincial Address House No":
"fieldLabel": "Prov Add House No",
"aka": "field19",
"fieldLength": 20,
"collection": "alphanumeric",
"invalidchar": "`~!@&$%^*={}[]:;/\"|\\<>",
"mandatory": true
"Provincial Address Street":
"fieldLabel": "Prov Add Street",
"aka": "field20",
"fieldLength": 30,
"collection": "alphanumeric",
"mandatory": true
"Provincial Address Village/Subd":
"fieldLabel": "Prov Add Vill/Subd",
"aka": "field21",
"fieldLength": 50,
"collection": "alphanumeric",
"invalidchar": "`~!@&$%^*={}[]:;/\"|\\<>",
"mandatory": true
"Provincial Address Municipality/City/Province":
"fieldLabel": "Prov Add Mun/City/Prov",
"aka": "field22",
"fieldLength": 60,
"collection": "alphanumeric",
"invalidchar": "`~!@#&$%^*={}[]:;/\"|\\<>",
"mandatory": true
"fieldLabel": "Religion",
"aka": "field23",
"fieldLength": 30,
"collection": "alphanumeric",
"invalidchar": "`~!@#&$%^*={}[]:;/\"|\\<>",
"mandatory": true
"Place of Birth":
"fieldLabel": "Place of Birth",
"aka": "field24",
"fieldLength": 50,
"collection": "alphanumeric",
"invalidchar": "`~!@#&$%^*={}[]:;/\"|\\<>",
"mandatory": true
"Date of Birth":
"fieldLabel": "Date of Birth",
"aka": "field25",
"fieldLength": 30,
"collection": "alphanumeric",
"invalidchar": "`~!@#&$%^*={}[]:;/\"|\\<>",
"mandatory": true
"fieldLabel": "Age",
"aka": "field26",
"fieldLength": 3,
"collection": "numeric",
"mandatory": true
"fieldLabel": "Gender",
"aka": "field27",
"fieldLength": 10,
"collection": "alphanumeric",
"invalidchar": "`~!@#&$%^*={}[]:;/\"|\\<>",
"mandatory": true
"Civil Status":
"fieldLabel": "Civil Status",
"aka": "field28",
"fieldLength": 10,
"collection": "alphanumeric",
"invalidchar": "`~!@#&$%^*={}[]:;/\"|\\<>",
"mandatory": true
"fieldLabel": "Nationality",
"aka": "field29",
"fieldLength": 20,
"collection": "alphanumeric",
"invalidchar": "`~!@#&$%^*={}[]:;/\"|\\<>",
"mandatory": true
"SSS Number":
"fieldLabel": "SSS No",
"aka": "field30",
"fieldLength": 20,
"collection": "alphanumeric",
"invalidchar": "`~!@#&$%^*={}[]:;/\"|\\<>",
"mandatory": false
"fieldLabel": "TIN",
"aka": "field31",
"fieldLength": 20,
"collection": "alphanumeric",
"invalidchar": "`~!@#&$%^*={}[]:;/\"|\\<>",
"mandatory": false
"Commmunity Tax Number":
"fieldLabel": "Comm Tax No",
"aka": "field32",
"fieldLength": 20,
"collection": "alphanumeric",
"invalidchar": "`~!@#&$%^*={}[]:;/\"|\\<>",
"mandatory": false
"Place of Issue":
"fieldLabel": "Place of Issue",
"aka": "field33",
"fieldLength": 30,
"collection": "alphanumeric",
"invalidchar": "`~!@#&$%^*={}[]:;/\"|\\<>",
"mandatory": false
"Date of Issue":
"fieldLabel": "Date of Issue",
"aka": "field34",
"fieldLength": 25,
"collection": "alphanumeric",
"invalidchar": "`~!@#&$%^*={}[]:;/\"|\\<>",
"mandatory": false
"fieldLabel": "Height",
"aka": "field35",
"fieldLength": 10,
"collection": "alphanumeric",
"invalidchar": "`~!@#&$%^*={}[]:;/\"|\\<>",
"mandatory": true
"fieldLabel": "Weight",
"aka": "field36",
"fieldLength": 10,
"collection": "alphanumeric",
"invalidchar": "`~!@#&$%^*={}[]:;/\"|\\<>",
"mandatory": true
"Spoken Languages":
"fieldLabel": "Spoken Languages",
"aka": "field38",
"fieldLength": 30,
"collection": "alphanumeric",
"invalidchar": "`~!@#&$%^*={}[]:;/\"|\\<>",
"mandatory": true
"Written Languages":
"fieldLabel": "Written Languages",
"aka": "field39",
"fieldLength": 30,
"collection": "alphanumeric",
"invalidchar": "`~!@#&$%^*={}[]:;/\"|\\<>",
"mandatory": true
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