Commit 60b8591a by Lynette Lizardo

Merge branch 'feature-WG-320b1' into fetaure-WG-308

parents 9dd481de 50961daf
......@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ export async function generateFields(inputSchema, containerId) {
let doctype = sessionStorage.getItem('doctype');
let section = sessionStorage.getItem('section');
if (doctype == null && section == null) {
if ((doctype === null || doctype === "undefined") && (section === null || section === "undefined")) {
Object.keys(schema).every(function (key) {
let doctypes = schema[key];
let underscoredKey = key.replaceAll(" ", "_");
......@@ -121,7 +121,6 @@ export async function generateFields(inputSchema, containerId) {
$(document.body).on("change", "#DocType", async function () {
const elements = document.getElementsByClassName(sessionStorage.getItem("currentSection"));
while (elements.length > 0) {
......@@ -135,19 +134,16 @@ export async function generateFields(inputSchema, containerId) {
let doctypes = schema[this.value];
let underscoredValue = this.value.replaceAll(" ", "_");
sessionStorage.setItem("currentDoctype", underscoredValue);
const {
} = validateSchema()
const { valid, error } = validateSchema();
if (!valid) {
container.textContent = error = '#ff3333'
container.textContent = error; = '#ff3333';
for (let key in doctypes) {
let underscoredKey = key.replaceAll(" ", "_");
sessionStorage.setItem("currentSection", underscoredKey);
createSection('Section', container, doctypes, underscoredValue);
container = await deconstruct(doctypes[key], container, underscoredKey)
container = await deconstruct(doctypes[key], container, underscoredKey);
// const submit = document.createElement('input')
// submit.classList.add("submitButtons");
......@@ -670,16 +666,23 @@ const createDocTypeDropdown = (fieldLabel, container, schema, doc) => {
// docTypeDropDown.addEventListener('focusout', handleInput)
let defaultOptionSelected = false; // Track if a matching option is found
for (const doctype in schema) {
newOption = document.createElement("option")
newOption.text = doctype
newOption.value = doctype
if (doctype == doc) {
newOption.selected = 'selected'
defaultOptionSelected = true
if (!defaultOptionSelected) {
docTypeDropDown.selectedIndex = 0; // Set the first option as selected by default
......@@ -810,7 +813,7 @@ export async function populateFields(imagePath) {
if (resp[0] != null) {
if (resp[0] != null && 'DocType' in resp[0]) {
var doctype = resp[0].DocType;
var section = resp[0].Section;
saveXMLToStorage(parseInt(sessionStorage.getItem("display_counter")), resp[0].fields);
......@@ -895,9 +898,29 @@ export async function populateFields(imagePath) {
export function clearForm() {
// Check if the form element exists
const formElement = document.getElementById("fields");
if (formElement) {
// Retain the selected 'doctype'
const docTypeField = formElement.querySelector('#DocType');
const doctype = docTypeField.value || docTypeField.options[docTypeField.selectedIndex].value;
// Clear the form by resetting its fields
// Set the selected 'doctype' back
const options = docTypeField.options;
const { elements } = formElement
for (let i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {
if (options[i].value === doctype) {
for (let element of elements) {
const { id } = element
if (id === 'DocType') {
element.selectedIndex = i
} else {
console.log("Form element not found");
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